Anthony Herdman


Associate Professor


Phone: (604) 827-4853 (not currently available due to COVID, please contact via email)

Dr. Tony Herdman is an Associate Professor in the School of Audiology and Speech Sciences at the University of British Columbia. His teaching includes graduate training of students in audiology and speech sciences with particular focus on advanced hearing sciences and electrophysiology. Dr. Herdman’s research program focuses on understanding the brain dynamics that underlie psychological phenomena involved in auditory and visual perceptions, audiovisual integration, attention, and language. He uses behavioural and electrophysiological (EEG & MEG) measures to study fundamental principles of these systems and how they develop. Another major research area is on advancing and validating neuroimaging methods for EEG and MEG. Dr. Herdman is particularly fascinated by how a human brain functions and communicates across multiple dimensions (space, time, and frequency) and how such communication is altered by experience as a brain develops its abundant abilities.

December 15, 2020

August 6, 2020

  • SimHERA software (includes sABR) is now available!  Click HERE

April 15, 2020

  • Updates to the simulated ABR software (sABR v10.0). Click on sABR icon above for more details.

March 24, 2019

April 12, 2018:

  • Created a Hearing Simulator that will simulate a hearing experience from online recordings or digital sound files (supported formats are .wav, .m4a, and .mp4). Click HERE to go to webpage for FREE software download.

Feb 24, 2018

AUDI 514  Hearing Science I

This course is a basic (or first) course specifically focused on auditory anatomy, physiology, and perception (psychoacoustics). It concerns those aspects of normal auditory structure, function and perception important for a basic understanding of hearing and for subsequent study in Audiology and Speech-Language Sciences. Auditory pathology (hearing loss) is only briefly touched upon. [Note: Detailed coverage of complex sound processing, the central auditory system, and auditory pathology is provided in AUDI 515 (Term II), not in AUDI 514.]

AUDI 515  Hearing Science II

Example of a page from one student’s Knowledge Portfolio

This course is the Audiology graduate students’ second course in hearing science. It covers cochlear physiology in greater detail than AUDI 514, and covers central auditory anatomy and physiology from 8th nerve to cortex. Advanced issues are linked to laboratory experiences (e.g., active/passive mechanisms in the cochlea are linked to a lab on otoacoustic emissions). Psychoacoustics of more complex stimuli are covered.  Class size is small (~12 students). Format is seminars (80%) and labs (20%). Students create individual Knowledge Portfolios to enhance their learning and communication skills.

AUDI 558  Physiological Measures of Auditory Function

This course is the Audiology graduate students’ in-depth course auditory evoked/event-related potentials and otoacoustic emissions. Because of its importance for clinical practice, major emphasis is placed on the auditory brainstem (ABR) and auditory steady-state (ASSR) responses. Throughout the course, basic science aspects of these measures, as well as state-of-the-art techniques and measures, are provided in order to give students a solid foundation and the ability to adapt to future developments. Considerable hands-on experience is provided. The course includes a critical consideration of clinical protocols. In special cases, 1-2 graduate students from other Faculties/Departments may take this course. Class size is small (~12 students). Format is 50% lecture/seminar and 50% labs.