Support SASS Programs
Students often bear significant extra costs associated with a clinical education. For some students, these costs will come from travel and lodging expenditures during a placement outside the Lower Mainland. For all students, additional costs come from travel associated with visiting local clinical facilities for observations and externships. There is no application process for the majority of these awards; students are recommended by the Faculty.
You can help and encourage our students by donating to one of the following:
Audiology and Speech Sciences Support Fund To assist SASS raising funds for specific initiatives in achieving the School’s academic mission, assisting students in need, and supporting the new Audiology Clinic. |
The Dr. Judith Johnston Fellowship in Child Language The Dr. Judith Johnston Fellowship in Child Language will support a Ph.D. student whose research focuses on child language and child language disorders. It was established by a legacy gift from Dr. Judith Johnston, whose brilliant intellect led to the advancement of research investigating the developmental relationships between language and cognition. |
The Campbell Purves Aphasia Education Fund (Aphasia Camp) The Campbell-Purves Aphasia Education Fund was established to support a multidisciplinary health professional approach to aphasia management. This fund supports a variety of health professions (including speech-language pathology, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, therapeutic recreation, nursing, and medicine professions) to collaborate in inter-professional teams. Funding will provide educational opportunities for healthcare students to learn together alongside people with aphasia and their families to best mitigate communication challenges of aphasia, in addition to other consequences of acquired brain injury. This includes the annual Aphasia Camp, jointly organised by the School and the March of Dimes. |
Margaret Elaine Clemons Award This award was established by the BCASLPA SLP Private Practice Group in honour of Margaret Elaine Clemons. Mrs. Clemons was one of the first speech-language pathologists in Vancouver. She set an outstanding example for all her colleagues through her theoretical knowledge, her clinical expertise, her empathy for her clients, and her encouragement and support of others in her field. This is awarded annually to students who demonstrate both academic and clinical excellence. |
John H.V. Gilbert Annual Lecture Dr. John Gilbert, Founding Director of UBC’s School of Audiology and Speech Sciences, has been a seminal leader in the education of health professionals in British Columbia, Canada, and internationally. In the early part of his career he pioneered linguistics and psychology as the basis of practice for speech-language pathologists and audiologists. In the latter part of his career it was his vision and leadership that led to the concept of interprofessional education being developed as a central tenet of team-based collaborative patient-centred practice and care. John founded and directed the School from 1969 to 1988. The John H. V. Gilbert Annual Lecture Series was established to recognise his contributions to the School, the University, and the profession. |
Our Donors
Vancouver Foundation
Eric W Hamber Foundation
Rotary Club of Vancouver
Supporters of our Teaching Facilities
Campbell McLaurin Foundation
John Hardie Mitchell Family Foundation
Supporters of our Students
Audio Controle Inc
BC Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists
BC Early Hearing Program
Cynthia & Jamie Bruce
Elaine Clemons and Family (Alan B Clemons Prize)
Speech-Language Pathology Private Practice Group and Family and Friends (The Margaret Elaine Clemons Award)
Canadian Academy of Audiology
Canadian Assoc of Speech-Language Pathologists & Audiologists
Canadian Progress Club of Greater Vancouver
Judith R Johnston (Bike Aksu Award)
Phonak Canada
Unitron Industries
WorkSafe BC