Welcome to the BRANE Lab’s Freeware
Brain Network Functional Connectivity (FC) Simulator
Update (June 1, 2021): SimMEEG (v2.2a) is now integrated into “Brainstorm” Neuroimaging software: neuroimage.usc.edu/brainstorm
see Video Tutorial Below.
Update (Feb 7, 2021): New version of SimMEEG (v2.2a)
- SimMEEG matlab software can be downloaded (*.zip) from GitHub: https://github.com/branelab/SimMEEG.git
- Anatomy folder can be downloaded from google-drive Here
- FieldTrip’s compatible version can be downloaded from Here
- Please cite: Herdman, A.T. (2021) SimMEEG software for simulating event-related MEG and EEG data with underlying functional connectivity. Journal of Neuroscience Methods. Volume 350, 109017 (DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jneumeth.2020.109017)
Installation Instructions for use with Matlab 2020a or later:
Note: SimMEEG has only been tested in Windows 8/10. You might need to install some matlab toolboxes to run SimMEEG. If you don’t have access to the required matlab toolboxes then try installing one of the precompiled versions below, which downloads the toolbox runtime libraries.
Installation for use within Matlab:
- download all files from Github link above and place them in a folder called “c:\data\SimMEEG\”
- download the folders “anatomy” and “fieldtrip-20200911” from google-drive links above.
- place these folders in a directory on your computer, e.g., “c:\data\SimMEEG\”
- open Matlab 2020a or later
- at Matlab command line type >> cd(‘c:\data\SimMEEG\’ )
- to start SimMEEG, type >> SimMEEG_GUI.m
- when prompted select a “data” folder where data will be saved, e.g., ‘c:\data\SimMEEG\data\’
- when prompted select the “anatomy” folder, e.g., ‘c:\data\SimMEEG\anatomy\’
- when prompted select the “Field Trip” folder, e.g., ‘c:\data\SimMEEG\fieldtrip-20200911\’
- Follow the video tutorial below and enjoy simulating MEG and EEG data!
Installation of precompiled SimMEEG installer (these will automatically download the required Matlab Runtime Libraries):
SimMEEG v2.1a:
Windows 8/10 (64-bit): SimMEEG_v21a_installer_PC
Mac OS (Catalina): not available at this time
Highlights of SimMEEG
Tutorial: “How to use SimMEEG”
Tutorial: “How to use SimMEEG within Brainstorm”
Older version
SimSignals.m Software (MATLAB) – now embedded within SimMEEG software (see above)
The SimSignals open-access software package was developed in order to simulate simple and complex interactions between sources that can be easily parameterized by novice and expert users. Users can input basic signal parameters (e.g., frequency, amplitude, phase interactions, and phase-amplitude correlations) to simulate brain signals that approximate electroencephalography (EEG) and magnetoencephalography (MEG) signals. The absolute ground truth is unknown in human-recorded EEG/MEG data due to the ill-posed inverse problem, so simulating data with known ground truths can be useful to verify analysis approached befor they are used to analyze human-recorded EEG/MEG. Thus, the intent for developing the SimSignals software was to place easily quantifiable simulations of EEG/MEG signals in novice and expert users’ hands to verify/validate (having known ground truths) their analysis pipelines so that they and others can feel more confident about the reported functional connectivity results of human-recorded EEG/MEG data.
Inverse Source Modeling
Beamformers (MATLAB)
Download matlab beamformers Here: BRANElab_beamformer_package.zip
- Herdman AT, Moiseev, A. Ribary, U. (2018). Localizing event-related potentials using multi-source minimum variance beamformers: A validation study. Brain Topography.
Hearing Simulator
This program can simulate a hearing experience from online recordings or digital sound files (supported formats are .wav, .m4a, and .mp4).
Simulation options are:
- Record sounds with online recording option. Record, Pause, and Stop using your computer’s microphone.
- Set hearing levelsfor Left and Right ears in the Audiogram section .
- Set amount of auditory desynchrony using the “ANSD severity” option
- Add background acoustic noise at various dB levels and of various forms (e.g., Small Crowd, Classroom, Shopping Mall, Restaurant, Carnival, or Broadband Noise).
It is FREE to download, use, and distribute for personal, non-commercial use ONLY. Please see software description for details.
Operating Systems and Requirements
1) Windows 8 and 10 64-bit systems:
Download .exe software: Click Here
Installation Notes:
1) Installation will likely require administrative permissions on your computer to install. If you have such permissions, you will need to accept the installation security prompts.
2) This application requires the installation of matlab2017b RunTime libraries. The installation package should initiate installation of these libraries. If not please install manually from the matlab website: https://www.mathworks.com/products/compiler/matlab-runtime.html
2) Windows 7 or earlier and 32-bit systems are unsupported at this time
3) Mac and Linux OS systems: Coming soon… Stay tuned.
NOTE on Sound card quality: High-end sound cards will significantly improve the simulated experience. Many computers use low-end sound cards that do not have isolated left & right speaker outputs; therefore, your simulated experience with listening to asymmetrical hearing levels will be reduced. In addition, online recordings using low-end computer microphones are known to have low fidelity and distortions. For better simulated experiences, use higher-end sound cards and/or recording devices. This program allows you to load prerecorded sound files, run the simulation, and save the simulated sound files to be used on another computer or device that has higher-end sound cards.

BRANE Lab Audiometry software allows users to conduct behavioural audiometric testing using “Automated-Bekesy” and “Hughson-Westlake” procedures. Calibration of stimulus output is required for proper use. This software is for educational and research purposes only and is not to be used to for clinical audiometric testing. The developer and his organization is not responsible for use of this software by any other persons.
Installation files
PC: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sw8BNNcuRjyHzsK1NoHkyeMkl3gEJ8Dr/view?usp=sharing
Mac: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wPduAcQmVnMh53rIDlRq5QXMi0SV7b1q/view?usp=sharing
YouTube Tutorials
Automated-Bekesy Tutorial: https://youtu.be/QcEBmHulcws
Hughson-Westlake Tutorial: https://youtu.be/1uD6EOdrL1c