Undergraduate Preparation

Successful applicants to the MSc program in Speech-Language Pathology come from a wide variety of undergraduate backgrounds, and hold either a BA or BSc degree from an accredited university (see MSc Admission Requirements). Typical majors include Linguistics and Psychology. It is expected that students have completed the required prerequisite coursework, as well as upper-level coursework in a field fundamental to human communication.

Prerequisite Coursework Requirements

** NEW Prerequisites for the MSc Speech-Language Pathology program, effective for the September 2025 intake **

As part of our Speech-Language Pathology curriculum renewal, the prerequisites for admission to the MSc Speech-Language Pathology program will be updated. New prerequisites effective September 2025:

    1. Phonology, Morphology, Syntax or Semantics (3 credits or equivalent)
    2. Language Acquisition (3 credits or equivalent)
    3. Phonetics – must include phonetic transcription (3 credits or equivalent)
    4. Developmental Psychology (3 credits or equivalent)
    5. Neuroanatomy, Human Anatomy, Human Physiology, or Human Anatomy and Physiology (3 credits or equivalent)
    6. Statistics (3 credits or equivalent)

N.B.: For applicants applying for entry in September 2025, BOTH the current prerequisite coursework, and the new prerequisites will be accepted.

For applicants applying for entry in September 2026, ONLY the new prerequisites will be accepted.

Applicants must have all prerequisite courses completed by the end of the academic winter session prior to the requested program entry date. For example, an applicant who is applying for entrance to the 2025 Winter session (i.e., beginning September 2025) must have all prerequisite coursework successfully completed by the end of 2024 Winter Term 2 (i.e., April 30th, 2025).

Additional Recommended Coursework

Additional undergraduate preparation could include further coursework in social and life sciences, psychology, or linguistics, such as:

  • Speech science or Acoustic phonetics
  • Phonology, Morphology, Syntax, or Semantics
  • Discourse
  • Language acquisition
  • Developmental psychology
  • Adulthood and aging
  • Counselling

  • Cognitive psychology or Psycholinguistics
  • Neurosciences
  • Brain and behaviour
  • Sensory psychology
  • Biology
  • Research methods
  • Statistics