Explore a Career in Speech-Language Pathology
What is Speech-Language Pathology?
Speech-Language Pathology is the study of developmental and acquired communication and swallowing disorders. It includes the assessment and management of such disorders.
The Profession
Speech-Language Pathologists provide an essential human service, with opportunities for creative and practical application of linguistic, psychological and other scientific theories. As a profession, Speech-Language Pathologists:
- are in high demand
- are well-paid, with annual earnings of $90,724
- (Source: BC Labour Market Information Office, derived from 2023 Job Bank Wage data)
- have opportunities to work in publicly-funded health or education programs, or in private practice
- have workplace and work-week flexibility
For more career information, visit https://www.workbc.ca/career-profiles/audiologists-and-speech-language-pathologists
Further Information
For further career information contact: