50 Years of Memories

Stories and images of the School over the past 50 years from members of our School community, past and present.

We would love to hear about your memories and experiences at the School over the years to share here and on our social media. Some questions to get you started:

  • When were you a student/staff/faculty member at the School?
  • What is your favourite memory of your time at the School?
  • How has the School helped you in your career/life?
  • Do you have any photos of your studies, work, and time at the School?

Contact director.assistant@audiospeech.ubc.ca to feature!


September 13: The School of Audiology and Speech Sciences celebrates 50 years!
Thank you to everyone who came to celebrate the School's 50th anniversary on 13 September, and to all our speakers, panelists, and entertainers for helping to make the event such a success! We are delighted to announce that photos from this celebratory day are now available. Read More >

The grand opening of the James Mather Building in 1973!
This photo, from UBC Archives [UBC 5.2/260-6], was taken during the grand opening of the James Mather Building in 1973. The School was based here until 2008, when it moved to its current location in the Friedman Building! Read on for more information about one of the School's earliest homes... Read More >

SASS staff celebrate 50 years at Quarry Rock, Deep Cove
New memories are being made every day at the School of Audiology and Speech Sciences! Every Spring, our support staff gather for an annual afternoon retreat. This year, during the School's 50th anniversary year, they hiked to Quarry Rock in Deep Cove! Read More >

“Big jump for UBC’s speech-language pathology program” (Sept 16, 2014)
Read an article published in 2014 as the news about the School's Speech-Language Pathology program expansion, a significant event in the School's history, was hot off the press! Thanks to a boost in provincial funding, the number of first-year slots for a Master’s of Science in Speech-Language Pathology grew from 23 to 36, a 56% increase! Read More >

Giving thanks for supporting the School’s educational mission!
Dr. Valter Ciocca, Professor and former Director of the School (2007 to 2017), thanking the Rotary Club of Vancouver in 2014 for their generous donation to the School's Clinical Speech Technology Teaching Laboratory. The School is very grateful for all the donations it has received over the last 50 years to support our educational mission! Read More >

Memories from Dr. Barbara May Bernhardt, SASS Professor Emerita
Barbara May Bernhardt was in the first cohort of SASS MSc students (1972 alumna) and was a member of the SASS Faculty from 1987-2017. Read on to hear about some of her favourite memories of the School! Read More >

“Fond” memories of the Mather Building Portables….
If you were a member of the School of Audiology and Speech Sciences between 1972 and 2008, you will have studied or taught in the now-demolished James Mather Building. If you were here during the latter half of that time period, you are perhaps also well acquainted with the two portable classrooms... Read More >

Learning by doing…
Photo kindly shared with the School by Marina Ruß, SASS alumni (class of 92!) - "volunteering for a laryngoscopy during a research stay at SASS in spring 2015. The next generation can only learn it by doing it!" Read More >

Is this how you do ABR?
Jenny Hatton (SASS alumna and audiology clinical faculty representative) experimenting with Auditory Brainstem Response (ABR) testing equipment during her time working for the Human Auditory Physiology Lab in the mid 2000s! Read More >

Electro-cap training with former SASS Director, Dr. David Stapells!
Dr. David Stapells, SASS Emeritus, training audiology students how to use electro-caps in the early days of his Human Auditory Physiology Laboratory (HAPLAB). This photo was kindly shared with us by Dr. Susan Small, SASS faculty and a former PhD student of Dr. Stapells. Read More >