We invite you to join us for our next colloquium: Dr. Tony Herdman will be presenting, ‘Enhancing Clinical Training with SimHERA-SimHBA: A Simulation Software for Behavioral and Electrophysiological Testing’.

Enhancing Clinical Training with SimHERA-SimHBA: A Simulation Software for Behavioral and Electrophysiological Testing
In the first 15-20 minutes, Dr. Tony Herdman will present the latest SimHERA-SimHBA software, designed to train students and clinicians in conducting behavioral and electrophysiological audiometry. He will discuss both the benefits and limitations of using simulation software in educational settings, including classroom instruction and ongoing clinical education. Dr. Herdman will also share insights from over 10 years of experience in developing and implementing this technology.
The remainder of the session will feature a live demonstration, showcasing the use of SimHERA-SimHBA in testing various simulated cases selected by the audience. The SimHERA-SimHBA software is currently available for free download and installation at https://audiospeech.ubc.ca/research/brane/simhera/
Dr. Tony Herdman is an Associate Professor in the School of Audiology and Speech Sciences at the University of British Columbia. His teaching includes graduate training of students in audiology and speech sciences with particular focus on advanced hearing sciences and electrophysiology. Dr. Herdman’s research program focuses on understanding the brain dynamics that underlie psychological phenomena involved in auditory and visual perceptions, audiovisual integration, attention, and language. He uses behavioural and electrophysiological (EEG & MEG) measures to study fundamental principles of these systems and how they develop. Another major research area is on advancing and validating neuroimaging methods for EEG and MEG. Dr. Herdman is particularly fascinated by how a human brain functions and communicates across multiple dimensions (space, time, and frequency) and how such communication is altered by experience as a brain develops its abundant abilities.
Dr. Herdman receives remuneration from sales of the SimHERA-SimHBA software. However, the software is available for free globally until December 31, 2024. Clinicians and students in British Columbia can access it for free on a rolling annual basis. In this statement, Dr. Herdman acknowledges the potential conflict while highlighting the steps taken to mitigate it.
We look forward to seeing you on October 23th at 12:30pm! If you plan to join us virtually, please click here to RSVP for the Zoom session.