Special Olympics Healthy Athlete event


Fifteen students from the School performed fantastic work at the recent Special Olympics Healthy Athlete  event in North Vancouver. Members of our Clinical faculty and professional community were also there to provide critical support.

Healthy Hearing, which was one of several health services there, screened over 60 Special Athletes and talked to many more family members, coaches, and support workers. The enthusiasm and dedication of our group was remarkable.

One Special Athlete was asked if he wanted us to check and clean his hearing aids.  “No!” he said.  “They’re brand new – because you told me to get them when I saw you last time!”

UBC School of Audiology and Speech Sciences will continue to support Healthy Hearing for BC Special Olympics. www.specialolympics.bc.ca

Thank you, students!

SO Cody and athlete March 2016  SO Busy workplace March 2016SO Healthy Trio March 2016