SASS SLP Victoria Open House and Educational Talk

Are you an SLP or Audiologist teaching or supervising others? Do you aspire to make an impact as a teacher or supervisor in your field?

Join us at our new Speech-Language Pathology distributed site in Victoria BC for an open house and educational talk on the impacts of co-constructing goals in the fields of Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology. In-person attendees are invited to tour our new suite before the talk and stay for nibbles and networking afterwards.

Schedule of Events

2:00-3:00pm – In-Person Open House

3:00-4:00pm – Hybrid (in-person and virtual) Educational Talk by Dr. Farrell.

“The Impacts of Co-Constructing Goals in Teaching and Supervision”

4:00-4:15pm – Hybrid (in-person and virtual) News from the SASS Director

4:15-5:00pm – In-Person Networking


In-person events will be held at the Vancouver Island Technology Park, 4464 Markham Street, Victoria BC. V8Z7X8.

Dr. Laura Farrell

Dr. Laura Farrell is the Regional Associate Dean, Vancouver Island, Faculty of Medicine, University of British Columbia (UBC) and the Academic Director, Vancouver Island, UBC Distributed Programs, University of Victoria (UVic). She completed her undergraduate education at UVic, her MD at UBC, and her internal medicine residency and fellowship in Calgary. She received her Master’s of Medical Education through the University Dundee in 2015. She has been practising since 2008 as a general internist. Laura has various research interests, including goal-oriented feedback, autoethnography, goal co-construction, and coaching.

The Impacts of Co-constructing Goals in Teaching and Supervision

Best practice guides for feedback in teaching and supervision emphasize the importance of a reflective and collaborative development of goals in conversations. However, in practice, engaging in goal-oriented feedback discussions that ensure a learner centred approach and maintain program standards can be challenging to accomplish. This workshop will share a goal-oriented approach to feedback conversations that can be employed with various stages and abilities of learners, while exploring the benefits and challenges of goal co-construction in Audiology and Speech-Language Pathology clinical settings.

RSVP by February 19th: