Professor Emeritus
Ph.D. (Purdue University)
LLD. (Dalhousie University)
Professor Emeritus John H.V. Gilbert, C.M., Ph.D., LLD., FCAHS
Dr. John Gilbert has been a seminal leader in the education of health professionals in British Columbia, Canada and internationally. In the early part of his career he pioneered linguistics and psychology as the basis of practice for speech-language pathologists and audiologists. In the latter part of his career it was his vision and leadership that led to the concept of interprofessional education being developed as a central tenet of team-based collaborative patient-centred practice and care. These concepts are now part of university, college, and institute health sciences training in many places across Canada and globally.
Dr. John Gilbert is founding Director & Professor Emeritus, School of Audiology and Speech Sciences, and was Director of the School of Rehabilitation Sciences. He was founding Principal of the College of Health Disciplines. He has received many honours and awards including a Fulbright Scholarship; an American Speech and Hearing Association Scholarship; the Medal for Outstanding Professional Achievement, Canadian Association of Speech-Language Pathologists and Audiologists; the Honours of the Association, British Columbia Association of Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists; Outstanding Alumnus, College of Liberal Arts, Purdue University; Killam Teaching Prize UBC; UBC Faculty of Medicine, 50th Anniversary Medal for Outstanding Service; BC Institute of Technology Distinguished Service Award; Visiting Virtual Scholar, Humber College, Toronto; and the UBC School of Nursing Centenary Medal of Distinction.
He has served on many committees and Boards, locally, nationally and internationally, including Health Canada’s Health Education Policy Taskforce; the Boards of the Michener Institute for Applied Health Sciences in Toronto; the British Columbia Health Education Foundation; the School of Health Sciences Advisory Committee of the Justice Institute of BC, British Columbia’s Patient Care Quality Review Board, and is currently appointed by the Minister of Health to the Patient Safety and Quality Board of British Columbia. He is a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal of Interprofessional Care, and Co-Editor of the open access Journal of Research in Interprofessional Education. He is currently a Senior Scholar, WHO Collaborating Centre on Health Workforce Planning and Research, Dalhousie University; Adjunct Professor, Faculty of Graduate Studies, Dalhousie University. He holds the DR. TMA Pai Endowment Chair in Interprofessional Education & Practice, Manipal University, India, and is an Adjunct Professor, University of Technology, Sydney. He is the Founding Chair, Canadian Interprofessional Health Collaborative.
He has been an Adjunct Professor, University of Pittsburgh, and at the National University of Malaysia; as an advisor to Hospitals Without Borders; was Co-Chair of the WHO Study Group on Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice, and currently serves on the Advisory Committee on Social Determinants of Health at the WHO; the BC Patient Safety and Quality Council; the Clinical Governance Working Group of the Health Standards Organization; the Advisory Committee of the Canadian Health Workforce Network; the Board of Interprofessional.Global, and is a Non-Executive Board member of Element Lifestyle Retirement Inc.
He was elected a Fellow, Canadian Academy of Health Sciences, in 2008. He was awarded the Queen’s Diamond Jubilee Medal in April 2012, and in October 2013 received the Outstanding Lifetime Contribution to International Allied Health Development Award from the International Chief Health Professions Officers Organization.
Dr. Gilbert was appointed a Member of the Order of Canada, in July 2011 for his leadership in the development of interprofessional education as a central tenet in team-based collaborative patient-centered practice and care, nationally and globally. He received the degree Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa from Dalhousie University in June 2016. He was the recipient of the Pioneer Award, National Center for Interprofessional Practice and Education, USA, 2017 for his ground-breaking work in advancing the field of interprofessional practice and education. He was appointed a Foundation Fellow, Green College, UBC in 2018.
** “Integrated Care: Implications for Health Professional Education in C21. Isaac Killam Walton Hospital, Apr. 13, 2016.
** “Coordinate, Cooperate, Collaborate: Challenges for Working Together Across Boundaries”. National Workshop on Interprofessional Education and Practice, Manipal University, Apr. 30, 2016.
** “Interprofessional Teamwork and Collaboration”. National Workshop on Interprofessional Educations and Practice, Manipal University, Manipal, India, Apr. 30, 2016.
** “Interprofessional Nursing Education Teamwork and Collaboration”, PAHO/WHO 2nd Sub-regional Workshop on Capacity Building for Nurse Educator, University of Miami, June 27, 2016.
“IPE as a Global Community: Transforming Health Professional Education”. PAHO/WHO 2nd Sub-regional Workshop on Capacity Building for Nurse Educators, Univ. of Miami, June 27, 2016.
** “Optimizing Health Professional Education and Practice: Interprofessional Teams – Problems for Measurement. CHWC, Ottawa, Oct. 4, 2016.
** “Health Professional Education and Practice: Optimizing Interprofessional Teams“. BC Association for Speech Language Pathologists and Audiologists, ASLPA, Burnaby, Oct. 21, 2016.
** Interprofessional Teamwork: A complex story. 3rd Annual National Education Reform Forum, Bangkok November 21-22 2016
**Optimizing health services through IPE & Collaborative Practice and Successful IPE stories. 3rd Annual National Education Reform Forum, Bangkok November 21-22 2016
** Framework for IPE/IPP/IPC: Nationally, Regionally, Globally. PAHO/WHO Interprofessional Education in Healthcare: Improving Human Resource Capacity to Achieve Universal Health, Bogota, Colombia, Dec. 7-9, 2016
** Canada & IPE/IPP/IPC: Five Inevitable Questions ,Two Wicked Problems. PAHO/WHO Interprofessional Education in Healthcare: Improving Human Resource Capacity to Achieve Universal Health, Bogota, Colombia, Dec. 7-9, 2016
** Technology in education and innovative responses to human resources for health needs PAHO/WHO Interprofessional Education in Healthcare: Improving Human Resource Capacity to Achieve Universal Health, Bogota, Colombia, Dec. 7-9, 2016
Here, There & Everywhere: Musing on Interprofessional Education. Health Services Seminar, University of Ottawa, January 18.
** IPE: Collaboration is Communication Collaboration for Innovation – From Theory to Practice BCIT Research Day, May 16 2017.
** From Practice to Policy – and Back Again: Doing things right, for the right reasons. Pain Education. Canadian Pain Society, Halifax NS Tuesday, May 23.
** IPE – Yesterday, Today & Tomorrow. Nexus Summit August 20-23, 2017. Learning Together at the Nexus: Provocative Ideas for Practical IPE, Center fo Interprofessional Practice and Education, Minneapolis.
** All Together Better Health: Building Strong Partnerships for IPE. First Symposium for Interprofessional Education in Africa 21-22 September 2017. University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia
** Faculty Development: Some Thoughts. First Symposium for Interprofessional Education in Africa21-22 September 2017. University of Namibia, Windhoek, Namibia.
** IPE/IPP/IPC, HRH etc. etc. etc.: Linking The Acronyms. WHO global strategy on integrated people-centred health services (IPCHS) 2016-2026: Placing people and communities at the centre of health services. CAB VI Banff, Alberta, October 03 2017
Interprofessional collaboration and health care teams, in person-centred practice and care (IPP/IPC). AHP Learning Program. Saturday October 21, 2017 Victoria. Saturday October 28, 2017 Vancouver.
** WHO global strategy on integrated people-centred health services 2016-2026. Collaborating Across Borders VI. Banff, Alberta, October 02, 2017.
** Advancing IPE in Health and Education Policies. 2nd Regional Technical Meeting Interprofessionan Education in Health Care Dec 5-6, Brasilia.
** Developing Collaborative Practice Through Interprofessional Education. 3rd International Colloquium Interprofessional Education and Practice in Health. Dec 8-10, Brasilia.
Lackie, K. & Gilbert, J.H.V. (2021). Collaboration in nursing practice. In L. McCleary & T. Mcparland (Eds.), Ross-Kerr and Wood’s Canadian Nursing Issues and Perspectives (6th ed.). Toronto, ON: Elsevier Canada. Chapter in press.
Gilbert, J.H.V. (2021) Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice – The WHO Framework in Retrospect. In Joosten-Hagye, D., & Khalili, H. (Eds.) Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice- micro, meso, and macro approaches across the lifespan. San Diego: Cognella, Inc
Mahmood, L.S., Mohammed, C.A., & John H.V. Gilbert (2021) Interprofessional Simulation Education (IPSE) to enhance teamwork and communication skills among medical and nursing undergraduates using the TeamSTEPPS® framework. Medical Journal Armed Forces India, Volume 77, Supplement 1, 2021, Pages S42-S48, ISSN 0377-1237,
Khalili, H., Lising, D., Gilbert, J., Thistlethwaite, J., Pfeifle, A., Maxwell, B., Başer Kolcu, I., Langlois, S., Najjar, G., MacMillan, K. Al-Hamdan, Z., K., Schneider, C. R., Kolcu, G., El-Awaisi, A., Ward, H., Rodrigues, F. J., (2021). Building Resilience in Health Care in the time of COVID-19 through Collaboration – A Call to Action. Interprofessional Research.Global Publication (ISBN: 978-1-7366963-0-9). Available at:
Khalili H, Breitbach A, Jensen G, King S, Maxwell B, Nickol D, Pfeifle A, Gilbert J, Global leadership in IPECP research; an intro to co-creation of best practice guidelines, Journal of Interprofessional Education & Practice. doi:
Hossein Khalili, Dean Lising, Giray Kolcu, Jill Thistlethwaite, John Gilbert, Sylvia Langlois, Barbara Maxwell, Mukadder İnci Başer Kolcu, Kathleen M. MacMillan, Carl Schneider, José Rodrigues Freire Filho, Ghaidaa Najjar, Zaid Al-Hamdan & Andrea Pfeifle. Advancing health care resilience through a systems-based collaborative approach: Lessons learned from COVID-19. Journal of Interprofessional Care.
Adeline Paignon, Patricia Schwärzler, Matthew Kerry, David Stamm, Monica Bianchi, Andreas Xyrichis, John Gilbert, Jon Cornwall, Jill Thistlethwaite, Iwg-Ipecat & Marion Huber (2022). Interprofessional educators’ competencies, assessment, and training – IPEcat: protocol of a global consensus study, Journal of Interprofessional Care, DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2021.2001445
Marie-Andrée Girard, John H. V. Gilbert (2022) Formation interprofessionnelle et pratique collaborative au Canada. BULLETIN DES MÉDECINS SUISSES – SCHWEIZERISCHE ÄRZTEZEITUNG – BOLLETTINO DEI MEDICI SVIZZERI. 103(3):78–81. DOI:
Mudassir M. Wani, John H.V.Gilbert, Ciraj Ali Mohammad, Sanjeev Madaan. Factors causing variation in WHO surgical safety checklist effectiveness – A Rapid Scoping review. J Patient Safety (in press, June)
Thistlethwaite, J., Anderson, E., and J.H.V.Gilbert. Interprofessional education important for transition to interprofessional collaboration. Medical Education, January 07 2022. DOI: 10.1111/medu.14730
Filho, J.R.F., Fernandes M. NdeF., & Gilbert J.H.V. (2021) The Development of Interprofessional Education and Collaborative Practice in Latin America and the Caribbean: preliminary observations. Journal of Interprofessional Care. DOI:10.1080/13561820.2022.2041572