If you were a member of the School of Audiology and Speech Sciences between 1972 and 2008, you will have studied or taught in the now-demolished James Mather Building. If you were here during the latter half of that time period, you are perhaps also well acquainted with the two portable classrooms….
The Mather Building portables were put in place to provide much-needed extra space before the School was relocated to the renovated teaching and research spaces in the Friedman Building. On the one hand, the portables were surrounded by trees which afforded those who had windows a nice view of greenery, and the odd squirrel. On the other hand, the space was cramped and many will find it hard to forget the not-too-pleasant aroma oozing into the classrooms from nearby blocked drains or wild animals who also considered the portables their home!
Have you any “fond” memories of the portables you would like to share? Share with us below!
Photo of the Mather Building in 1974 – from the University of British Columbia Archives [UBC 41.1/1718]
Photo of one of the portables – kindly shared by Dr. Valter Ciocca, SASS Professor and former Director.